Dr. Andrew Abraham is a Technical Advisor to Butterfly with subject matter expertise in matters pertaining to food and nutrition. Dr. Abraham is the CEO and Founder of Orgain, a Butterfly portfolio company and leading producer of high-quality, great-tasting, organic and clean nutrition products. Dr. Abraham has over 11 years of experience pertaining to nutrition and food science and is licensed as a medical doctor in California, with prior experience in the Kaiser Permanente system.
As a teenager, Dr. Abraham was diagnosed with an aggressive form of tissue cancer. After months of treatment, he became dangerously thin due to malnourishment while relying upon conventional nutritional shakes for sustenance. It was not until Dr. Abraham began blending shakes at home using only whole organic ingredients that his health began to improve and weight started to return as the cancer went into remission. Years later, while seeing patients as a practicing physician, Dr. Abraham observed that the quality of conventional nutritional shakes was poor and had not improved meaningfully from the time of his diagnosis as a teenager. This inspired Dr. Abraham to found Orgain in 2009, with the company’s first product modeled after the organic nutrition shakes that he had blended years earlier. Driven by the high quality, great taste and compelling value of its products, today Orgain produces the #1 organic ready-to-drink nutritional shake and #1 plant-based protein powder in the U.S.
Dr. Abraham is highly regarded within the natural products community for his accomplishments as an entrepreneur.He is also an investor and advisor to several early-stage, high-growth food and beverage product companies including Noka Organics, Uncle Matt’s Organic, Atlast Food, Wildgood, Halsa Foods, The Good Crisps Company, Clio Snacks, Beyond Broth, Ancient Nutrition, Tadah Foods and many more.